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小子聯盟唱片​​成立於2004年初,先後發行過數十張樂隊唱片,舉辦過數百場演出活動及策劃樂隊巡迴演出. KIDS-UNION RECORDS致力於推廣中國的獨立、朋克、搖滾音樂以及引入外國更多的獨立、朋克、搖滾音樂來到中國.

KIDS-UNION RECORDS was established in early 2004 and has successively released dozens of band records, held hundreds of performances and planned band tours. KIDS-UNION RECORDS is committed to promoting Chinese Indie, Punk, Rock music and introducing foreign more Indie, Punk, Rock music came to China.


Start from 2021, KIDS-UNION RECORDS UK will Make up for each other with the KIDS-UNION RECORDS CN, Explore characteristic artists, promote cultural labels, form a complementarity between UK and Asia, and further expand the influence of the "KIDS-UNION" brand worldwide.
從2021年開始,KIDS-UNION RECORDS UK將與KIDS-UNION RECORDS CN互相彌補,挖掘特色藝人、推廣文化標籤、形成歐亞互補,進一步擴大“小子聯盟”品牌在在全世界範圍的影響力。

2021, KIDS-UNION RECORDS UK will Make up for each other with the KIDS-UNION RECORDS CN, Explore characteristic artists, promote cultural labels, form a complementarity between UK and Asia, and further expand the influence of the "KIDS-UNION" brand worldwide.


Ray Yao

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Shuangyi Xu

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Linda Li

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Start from 2021, KIDS-UNION RECORDS US will Make up for each other with the KIDS-UNION RECORDS other part, Explore characteristic artists, promote cultural labels, form a complementarity between US and Asia, and further expand the influence of the "KIDS-UNION" brand worldwide.KUR-US mainly focused on distribution and promotion now.
從2021年開始,KIDS-UNION RECORDS US將與KIDS-UNION RECORDS 其他分部互相彌補,挖掘特色藝人、推廣文化標籤、形成美亞互補,進一步擴大“小子聯盟”品牌在在全世界範圍的影響力。KUR-US暫時以分銷及推廣為主。

2021, KIDS-UNION RECORDS US will Make up for each other with the KIDS-UNION RECORDS other part, Explore characteristic artists, promote cultural labels, form a complementarity between US and Asia, and further expand the influence of the "KIDS-UNION" brand worldwide.KUR-US mainly focused on distribution and promotion now.

All Content © Kids-Union Records 2025. All Rights Reserved.

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