Booking Agency in Punkrock, Garage, Mod, Powerpop, Surf, Poppunk, RocknRoll, Hardcore, Metal.

The Havoc
– Southern California Street Punk Rock , Since 2001.They signed to Punk Core Records,and release their debut full-length entitled “Our Rebellion Has Just Begun” in 2003.After touring relentlessly for an almost solid three years, the band then released their second E.P. on Punkcore Records in 2005, entitled “Road Warrior.”
They played their last show on September 22nd of 2006 at The Allen Theatre in Southgate, CA. Although they had ended their career as The Havoc, they had started another band featuring the founding members Jason, Justin, and Josiah. Carrying over the two symbols they used for The Havoc, a spade, and a razor blade, they named their new band Spades And Blades, as a tribute to their history.
End of 2020 ,The Havoc was back and signed Kids-Union Records.Their new EP will coming this summer and the the opening track of the EP signle "With A Vengeance" will put on Kids-Union Records Punk Rock Compilation Vol.1 frist soon.
The Havoc毀滅 –南加州街頭朋克搖滾樂團,組建於2001年。他們與朋克唱片公司(Punk Core Records)簽約,並於2003年發行了首張完整專輯《Our Rebellion Has Just Begun》。在進行了將近三年的不懈探索之後,樂隊在2005年自Punkcore唱片發行了他們的第二張EP,標題為“ Road Warrior”。不幸的是
他們於2006年9月22日在加利福尼亞州Southgate的Allen劇院演出了最後一場演出後宣佈解散。儘管他們結束了The Havoc的職業生涯,但他們創立了另一支樂隊,成員包括創始成員Jason,Justin和Josiah。他們沿用了The Havoc的鐵鍬和剃須刀的兩個符號,並命名了他們的新樂隊Spades And Blades,以向他們的歷史致敬。
2020年底,The Havoc毀滅重組並簽署了Kids-Union Records。他們的新EP將於今年夏天面世,首支開場曲目“ With A Vengeance”將在Kids-Union Records朋克搖滾合輯Vol.1上發佈。

Release Date: ??/??/2021
Label: Kids-Union Records
Recording Year: 2021
Coming Soon