The Noname樂隊二十週年雙張精選專輯,2021.07.18 Smith&Miller/小子聯盟唱片發行.

THE NONAME 結合了他們Oi!與 UK'82 PunkCore的音樂风格,喜歡在街頭音樂領域的基礎上挑戰更複雜的曲线。他們二十週年紀念專輯中的歌曲大多是快節奏的,聽起來像是 AGNOSTIC FRONT遇到THE PARTISANS的結合,或著像充滿更重线条的 CASUALTIES / TOTAL CHAOS 的音樂風格,却在它們两者之間又有著充滿空間感及很明顯的THE CLASH / RANCID(包括其占主導風格的低音行進式演奏)式的風格。共計20首歌曲特別版本(2首INTRO&OUTRO)來自西安“功夫朋克”,歌曲回顧了他們20年的經歷。歌聲自始至終都是英文(版本),且有一點點異國情調讓人舒服。
THE NONAME combine their Oi! with UK'82 PunkCore, like to practice the harder version in the street music sector. The songs on their anniversary album are mostly up-tempo, sounding like AGNOSTIC FRONT (Gotta go-Phase) meetmeets THE PARTISANS or a heavily riddled CASUALTIES / TOTAL CHAOS style. In between there are always room-filling singalongs and thus clearly THE CLASH / RANCID (including dominant bass run) parallel style. in 20 of the CD-only fundus of the "Kungfu Punx" from Xi'an, some of them look back on a 20-year history. The singing is in English throughout, but a small touch of the exotic creeps in comfortably. -- S&M唱片